Microsoft India's Online store has been hacked by Chinese hackers to continue the battle of cyber war. It was forced to close after an apparent hacking attack from a group calling itself Evil Shadow Tea.
Microsoft said it was "investigating a limited compromise".
Customer data was found unencrypted on the site, the purported hacker told Reuters news agency.
Microsoft would not confirm that data was not encrypted and in a statement said: "We are diligently working to remedy the issue and keep our customers protected."
A message on the site apologised to customers for the shutdown.For moe details BBC News
Microsoft said it was "investigating a limited compromise".
Customer data was found unencrypted on the site, the purported hacker told Reuters news agency.
Microsoft would not confirm that data was not encrypted and in a statement said: "We are diligently working to remedy the issue and keep our customers protected."
A message on the site apologised to customers for the shutdown.For moe details BBC News
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we should be more concern regarding the security of these sort of organizations.
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